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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jamie Dimon: I'm Not Suited For Politics

1 comment :

  1. Hardy-fuckin-har-har, Jamie.

    That's the beauty of our system. Our insolvent government borrows from insolvent banks to prop up said banks. Think about it, nobody would ever have to file bankruptcy as long as we pretended that WE borrowed money from them and now owe them interest.

    This is one of my top 5 favorite quotes:

    ....the treasury for want of confidence in the country delivered itself bound hand and foot to bold and bankrupt adventurers and pretenders to be money holders whom it could have crushed at any moment Even the last half bold half timid threat of the treasury showed at once that these jugglers were at the feet of government For it never was and is not any confidence in their frothy bubbles but the want of all other medium which induced or now induces the country people to take their paper....We are now without any common measure of the value of property and private fortunes are up or down at the will of the worst of our citizens.

    ~Thomas Jefferson (page 499).

    The shame is that vermin like Dimon survive 200 years later.
